Five of the Scariest Unsolved Crimes
Much is written about the most famous cold cases, such as Jack the Ripper. However, many other serial killings remain unsolved.
This is tantamount to my insensitivity to people especially women. I will admit the others when you catch me if you can!
These are the words of one of these killers who was never caught. Not all these cases are well-known. Cases such as The Freeway Phantom, Honolulu Strangler, Long Island Ripper, West Mesa Bone Collector and the weird story of the February 9th Murders.
The reason some of these were not solved may be due to the lack of attention. The lack of interest has meant these cases have left our memory. Neither the media nor the police has the time to pursue the unknown killers.
Many of these killers may still be walking amongst us; eating in the same restaurants as us. Someone in the world may be sharing a house with one of these perpetrators, unaware of what their history holds.
The Freeway Phantom
The Freeway Phantom haunted Washington D.C in 1971. He killed six girls aged between the ages of ten and eighteen. On investigation, the police uncovered that at least three of them were raped, and all were strangled. He earned his nickname as the bodies were found along roadways and freeways.
All six of the victims were black. The case might have received more media attention and police coverage if the victims had been white. At the time, the majority of D.C was black, whilst only 40% of the police force was. When the Watergate Scandal broke, many police transferred to work on this case. This caused outrage amongst the victims' families.