The Horrific Real Life Hannibal the Cannibal Who Ate a Girl in His Class
Issei Sagawa, the cannibal of Kobe openly talks about wanting to eat more human flesh. How after murdering his friend is he able to walk around a free man.
Issei Sagawa was born in Kobe, Japan, on 26th April 1949. He studied literature in Paris and was well educated. However, he would sit in class and notice the thighs of his fellow female students and think to himself how nice they looked, how he would like to eat them.
Sagawa had always had cannibalistic urges and was fascinated with the human flesh. When he was caught for murder, he became a legendary character; he now makes his living as a celebrity on talk shows. So how did a murdering cannibal become a celebrity? The story is not for the faint-hearted.